Zelia looked at Skye and smiled softly, "I don't... I believe everything that I said," she swallowed, "Me waking up was the problem... Not the girl putting me to sleep." She glanced at Trex when he offered to force answers out of them. She shook her head but Chris beat her to the reasoning. She nodded, "Besides, you promised. No fighting." She nodded her head when Trex quickly steered the conversation to getting something for Flynn to eat when he got back. She snickered and started to walk down the street, "Yes, I'm sure he'll be famished sitting in that car the whole way." She looked over her shoulder at them, "Amber, on the other hand. Let's go grab them something." Zelia continued down the street, looking at the buildings and inspecting the restaurants trying to figure out want to get them. She sighed internally thinking about what had happened while she looked around. She couldn't believe it in a way, that he'd blatantly lie to her, even if it was just to save face. She wondered what would have happened if she had confronted him, just the two of them. Would she have gotten a proper explanation then or would he still have lied to her. She just could understand how that man was the same who gave her the drawing by the water, "This one looks good. I think Flynn will like it." ~~~~ Narsica looked at Tye while she laughed, acting as if she weren't being ordered around by Ryzo. As much as Tye was tough, it was easy to see who wore the pants and in the end co-leaders tended to fall apart. Why would the blonde think that it was Ryzo who had done it all and not Tye. Because as much as she pretended she was in charge, she wasn't. Narsica looked up at the tall man, "My... She's gotten awfully cold toward you. Quarreling lovers... It is always a shame to see." ~~~~~ Flynn nearly laughed when he reached the beach. He jumped out of the car and dipped his rock into the water as was asked. He stuck it back into his pocket and ran back to the car. He looked down the road to see people coming in the distance. It seemed very few had brought money with them to rent a car and had to end up doing it on foot. After all, they wouldn't be able to ask their friends or teammates for help. Good news for him, he supposed. However, he still felt bad that they had to run all that way. He climbed back into the car and turned around. He had a big grin on his face as he headed back toward the town.