Alex nodded along as Isis listed off all the recommended flower seeds, what they represented and symbolised, what bugs they attracted, etc, without even a single hint of hesitation or pause. It just flowed from Isis’ mouth as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Well, she had gotten used to other people doing that by now. She wasn’t sure how they managed. Honestly, she probably would’ve just gone ‘welp, I’ll take all of them’ if she didn’t think it would be weird. It probably wasn’t weird, it was probably a common practice among flower enthusiasts, but Alex never got anything more than just one type of flower. The first time she started planting flowers, she only tried one type. There wasn’t any reason for it, but the trend persisted because she merely got into the habit of it. But thankfully, Alex calmed down considerably over the course of Isis’s explanation. It was often how conversations went with her and people who she already knew – high stress start off and gradual cool down as she finally subconsciously realised that these were people that she talked to often. “My, um, my Mom used to plant the, uh, Princess Blush ones when I was little. She really liked them for… well, some reason.” She paused for a moment, and in a vague moment of confidence felt like she should continue onwards. “Um, she never planted much else, really. She’d always bring me out and ask me to help, and, um, would put them on my shirt.” For a moment, she felt she was rambling, but she rarely had moments like this, so she wanted to savour it, and gave a little genuine smile for the first time in the conversation. “Heh, I think everyone at the club centre thought it as… well, weird that I wore a flower.” On a roll on a roll on a roll…! ”Actually, I think my Mom stopped planting them when I started calling myself--…” When she started calling herself a girl. She stopped right before saying the rest of that, trailing off before she made a stupid, clumsy mistake. The implications started to sink in, and she realised how stupid she must have looked randomly stopping midsentence. “Uh, just… nevermind,” she said, reverting into quiet mode, the spirit she got from almost successful conversation running completely dry. “I’ll just… take some Prince seeds.” Alex paid for the seeds and thanked Isis in a new-found slump, she left the stop without much more words from her. Moving incredibly slowly, she tried to think of what else there was to do in her rare morning awake early. She could’ve gone to the café, see if Izzie took a shift this early… Staring out at the town, any enthusiasm to go speak to people had now been eradicated, so she quickly discarded that idea. She just went home. She’d just go read a book until the bar opened.