I'm here. To recap, I have retrieved about 755.5 IC posts, the Compendium as it was when the site went down, and a portion of the OoC containing some of the bits detailing the world further and some of the character sheets. I might get a few more pieces out; I'm not quite done yet. Yeah... And I must also say that I haven't found any better roleplaying site, neither by myself or amongst the ones people pointed out... And as far as I have understand, the others I spoke to (I couldn't get to everyone before the OoC was posted) are fairly impartial towards the location, too, as long as the RP goes on. (Btw, I would still like to see the current - as of where the IC was left when RPG disintegrated - situation with the Companions and the gods resolved, preferably played out. I was merely suggesting resolving it before the official relaunch of RPG / continuation of the RP, as a sort of collaboration between myself, Jack and Hymusia, perhaps... Which was something that couldn't quite happen without Hymusia. Hymusia, where are you? We [b]need [/b]you and Thaler...)