[B]SID[/b] The events that had unfolded elsewhere caused him to rethink his position. He used a powerful leg to kick down the grate he had installed to hide him. He lept down wards, his optics locked onto the girl. Hydraulic lock in 1 hour, its getting too close. He needed repairs. He moved across the terrain in a slight crouch his weapon drawn. The building rumbled. It was coming down soon. A child darted from one wall to the other disappearing with only a few numbers trailing down. It was odd, the child looked like danny. He had his weapon drawn upon the female who had entered. His audio sensors were picking up the choas down the cooridors. They were moving closer, moving down the passage way. [I]"BigBrother, I require an immediate evac things have changed we'll watch from the sky."[/I] as he drew closer he straoghtend slightly stopping just short of her position. [I]"Halt citizen, you are to cease and desist "[/I] he was moments away from dropping her. Before she could answer a bullet wized by he switched targets and fired into the now frenzied mob. They were wild trying to escape, and get out of the building. He continuously fired, aiming for their center mass. --------------------------------------------------- [B] Desert waste [/b] Alphonse groaned and rolled over, there were rythmic thumps, echoing from the walls, soft gentle moans of a woman. He hated these mornings. He sighed and sat up moving to the door. Thomas was too experiencing such a thing. He rolled out seeing his wing man slowly they made their way to the galley. It was their shift, to take watch, they were looking for other pirates,bandits, and the law. Though they occasionally scanned emergency frequencies for easy pickings. And on such morning they heard one such frequency. It was a downed sand ship, called the combat wombat. Thomas chuckled at the name and began. To adjust their speed and altitude, the ship lightly banking to the side as they made their descent.