Gunryo Academy. A place where Battle Chips determined everything in the city for which it was named: Gunryo City. If you had no Chip, or if you had a really shitty one, your way of life would reflect that. If your Battle Chip was top-of-the-line, so was your lifestyle. It was a place where the strong had free reign until the Chair said otherwise, and the weak either gave up or tried their hardest to ascend through the ranks of the school and, by extension, the very city they lived in. Sometimes students would stab one another in the back, or make alliances. Sometimes they acted alone, needing only their own power. Sometimes they just didn't really care. The point of it was that Battle Chips determined life itself. Meanwhile, it was about time for attendance roll in Gunryo Academy. Whether the students were here last year or the year before, or they were just starting this year, it was important to be here on time. Lest they face the wrath of the people in charge of keeping discipline in the school. In classes 1-B and 3-A, attendance call was just starting. The homeroom teacher of the latter would be calling the name of one Suwa Akira (and hoping to god she made it this time), whereas in the former... [i]"Kurosawa. Kokoro Kurosawa."[/i] "Present." [i]"Next is...Minako. Minami Minako."[/i] The day at Gunryo Academy was just beginning. It had been one week since the new year started, effectively making it one week since new arrivals had...well...arrived.