They had been walking for at least three hours Jackson holstered his Gun and pulled out his Pip-boy and started checking the rout making sure that they were on the right Road , and comparing it to the mission brief he got from Mr V, "This makes no sense" He muttered to himself "No..No this can't be right" He stops in his tracks "guys hold up one second" Jackson crouches down and start looking at a paper map of the Rout, he liked to have a hard copy incase his pip boy broke or got lost, Using a pencil he started drawing lines and doing calculations "ah fuck" he sighs "Anyone got another pip boy or knows California or Nevada area well enough?" [i] Everyone par Dirge and Grant who kept watch crowded round Jackson [/i] "i think Mr V has given crap intel to say the least The rout he said we are to take to to go around the top of Nevada to utah just to come back down near Arizona through Zion and then to Nevada" there was a murmur of disapproval and questioning from everyone, Jackson knew he should of checked this before they left but Mr V had always given good intel before so he didn't bother to question it, but now this just seems stupid, this real bothered Jackson Mr V giving pointless Intel? what else could be dodgy or pointless or even false completely...