[b]Completely lost, although she was seated between them, Rose watched her grandmother & the guest exchange the most obscure discussion ever, the mood going from tolerable pleasantness to full-blown discomfort. They were fighting over something, & it almost sounded like they were fighting over [i]her[/i]. Lightly clearing her throat, Rose caught the other two's attention, giving them both her usual gentle smile. Maybe she could resolve this fight before it became too loud & violent. Willow wasn't a very ferocious woman, but she looked like she could take on their rather intimidating guest right now... & win. "S-so, your name is Fenrir," Rose announced, trying to transition into more pleasant conversation, "Tell me, would that make you Mr. Fenrir, the kind gentleman who helped pay for my schooling & dowry? I must admit, you are younger than I thought. my grandmother had always given me the impression that you were older than her." Willow jumped a little at Rose's words, making Rose feel as though she said something she shouldn't have. With a disgruntled look, the old woman rubbed the back of her neck,putting down her fork. "Rose, Mr. Fenrir is a little more involved in your life than being your benefactor," Willow admitted, "He is... he is your husband." Rose's gentle smile faded into a look of confusion, but steadily approaching to anger. "Grandmother, you never told me that you were going to be forcing a suitor on me," Rose told the woman, her hands clenching on the tabletop. Willow frowned & shook her head, trying to reach out & hold Rose's wrist, only to touch the table as Rose pulled her hand away. "Rose, there is no forcing a suitor on you," Willow said a bit more strongly, "He is already your husband." Rose's anger bloomed into full-blown rage at Willow's words, the gentle young woman from before replaced with a fiery, very angry person. Her dark green eyes glowed as she crossed her arms, her arms crossed now. "I think I would [i]remember[/i] getting married," Rose growled. "Well, we had the ceremony when you were ten, so-" "I was ten? How is that even legal?!" "A guardian can give their child's hand in marriage as long as they give full consent, Rose." Rose finally glared over at Fenrir, finally directing her frustration towards him. What kind of man was this creep, marrying a ten year old girl? He had to be at least thirty if he'd paid for all of her schooling, & he was luring small children into unholy unions. "What is [i]your[/i] problem?" Rose hissed at him, "Was craddle-robbing the only way you could get yourself a wife?" "Rose!" Glaring at them both unapologetically, Rose whirled around & stalked out of the dining room, whipping on her red cloak & going outside. Willow winced as the front door slammed shut, her hands going up to rub her temples. As much as she'd like to think Rose's display put off Fenrir, a part of him probably enjoyed the face that Rose was so... spirited. "This is why I never told her," Willow grunted, "Even from a young age, she's had an independent streak in her. By the time she was old enough to understand her situation, she was already like this. Maybe you can get to her, but at this point, there's really nothing I can do but wait for her to eventually calm down." ..._..._... By the time she reached her favorite tree at the nearby lake, Rose couldn't hold back her tears. They streamed down her cheeks as she pulled her hood on & slumped down, hugging her cloak closer as she sat down in the snow & tried to calm herself. She didn't care that she was probably ruining her dress, everything else was already ruined. Why was she being forced to marry a man she didn't even know? She didn't care how strong & attractive he was, it was disgusting! [/b]