"Yeah yeah, I'm here." This felt like a waste of time. But Gunryo Academy was Minako's only lead. So she simply stared daggers at the teacher, leaning back in her seat with her arms folded across her chest, her legs straight out beneath it, her jersey over her school uniform. The silver case containing her weapon sat beside her desk. She'd simply claimed it was... well... anything but what was actually contained inside it. A week now. She'd been here for a week. And in that week, well... no-one, not a single person, had seen Chiharu. Or at least, if they had, they weren't telling. It can't have been too long, but everyone was tight-lipped. Gunryo Academy... where battle chips ruled everything, huh? Well, that really gave her only one option, didn't it? She needed to get those battle chips. Minako would take out anyone she had to in order to get her battle chips, and her deck, and ascend until no-one would be able to stop her from finding Chiharu. She'd rip apart the whole school if she had to. Power struggles? Rules? Who the hell cared? The only thing that was important to the black-haired girl right now was finding her sister. And Minako would find her, no matter what. No matter why she had disappeared, what had occurred, who she was with... Minako was going to find Chiharu and make sure she was okay. And then she'd start getting some answers. What was the Blazing Sword, anyway? She'd found it in the rubble of her parents' home... But right now that concern was far down on her list. Finding Chiharu. That was more important than anything else. ... Even if it meant sitting in class and attending Gunryo until she could get some chips of her own.