As the other prisoners got out of the bus, casually walking down the small hallway in the middle of the two rows of seats, Ninja wasn't in the line. She was climbing up and over the seats, which was typical of her since she climbed on almost EVERYTHING that she could get a grip on. She could have just stepped over them with her long legs, but no, she was literally crawling over the various seats. When she reached the front she dropped down infront of another inmate and got off the bus. Quickly she began observing her surroundings and fellow inmates. To the others Ninja looked like she was spazzing out due to the new environment. Eventually her spaztic eyes landed on an inmate talking to another, sounding awfully sweet. Now she just continued to stare as she observed. She didn't like people that were innocent sounding, it made her want to rip out their organs, but for now she just watched.