Ryuu stiffened. Private time with Adenine? Now that David mentioned it, it would have sounded nice if Adenine did not have her burgers with her. In fact, things could have been a little different had she not carried those burgers around. The way David said this was somewhat forceful, but the otaku actually preferred getting information this way. He needed aggressive advice... yes, that was exactly what he needed. [i]Wait...[/i] ... [i]...[b]He's right![/b] Why didn't I just use my lightsaber and take her away? I mean, sure, I would never try [b]kidnapping[/b] her, but that could've let me spend more time with her.[/i] Ryuu nodded, his stiff expression slowly contorting into that of a pleased, evil mastermind. [i]Yeah! Then we could have talk. And talk. And talk! AND IMMEDIATELY GET MARRIED! Wow, anime logic does work so well sometimes! I'ma try that out if I get the chance to look bad-ss next time! Of course, I wouldn't go too far since that girl's so timid, but...[/i] Ryuu turned to David. His face was that of a [url=http://i487.photobucket.com/albums/rr238/debbira6756/Dorothea%20Wolves/Evilface.jpg]devil's[/url]. "You know what?" Ryuu said, his eyes burning with a newfound hope for... spending time with an adorable girl, and feeling grateful for some [i]aggressive advice[/i]. "That's really funny, David! As if I'd ever, ever, [i][b][u]ever[/u][/b][/i] do that... [i]lolz[/i]..." Ryuu seemed to dwell in his violent-looking joy.