If people were paying attention to the main corridors outside the dorms, they would notice something very odd happening. Darwin had finally gotten out of his room after hours of arranging his anime and movie collection a and losing one shoe, and now he was ready to strut. This was until he had realised he might not of locked his door. He walked through the corridor with his earphones stuck in his ears playing 'Lollipop' as he hummed it to himself in great joy. He ran his hands across the walls with a giant grin radiating creepiness, when all he wanted was to make new friends and make everyone taste the motherfucking rainbow. He went back to his room to make sure he had locked his room. He checked the door was locked before turning back outside and slamming the door. "Echo!" He shouted waiting for an echo, but it never came. He sighed and began skipping down the corridor, with little bits of rainbow flying off his fingertips. "Time fir some rock!" He shouted into the corridors as the attack on Titan theme blasted into his ears. "Wait...this isn't rock. This isn't even my iPod!" He kelt on walking despite this discovery.