Essentially, this will cover the events of the original anime. However, there are some crucial differences in the backstory of the universe. Second Impact, of course, has occurred, which resulted in the death of half the human population. Most events are the same as canon. However, Yui was not the one to test Eva-01 due to several scheduling errors, therefore she was not absorbed into the Evangelion. Her later death was due to unrelated circumstances. Gendo and Shinji's relationship is also far better in this version of the universe. However, there's still the soul of a child's mother in each Evangelion. The Angels are still coming, NERV still is in much the same state as it was in canon, for the most part the universe is the same as it is in canon. But these changes have led to different children being selected to pilot the Evangelions. RPers will be playing these pilots, and of course some of NERV's officers and technicians. --- A few things I have in mind: -There are going to be three open pilot spots and four pilot spots in total. I will be claiming Eva-00's pilot for plot purposes. -Other open spots are NERV personnel, non-pilot students, and just about anything else that could fit into an Eva RP reasonably well to be honest. -This will be following the same pattern as the series, and I will be judging events in the RP to determine what kind of ending we will be having when it comes to it. -Tonally I would like this to be similar to the original series, but keep in mind the original series had some comic relief and such as well. Just... less and less as it got towards the end. --- Bios: Name: Age: (Pilots will be from ages 13-14) Gender: Occupation: (While this RP will start shortly before the characters are brought in to test their synch ratios with the Evas, if your character is a pilot please specify which Eva you intend to pilot. There are Evas 00-03. 01-03 being open for players.) Appearance: Personality: History: