After his flight had landed, Jay planned to get as far away from the city as he could. There would probably be some small town a couple of hours away that would hire him with little personal information, allowing him to start over, so to speak. He was jittery. Spending time in prison was the furthest from home he had been, and that was still in Minnesota. Now he was in California with nothing but a few dollars and a disposable phone his friend had given to him. It was a smartphone but it was not a high-end one, it was very cheap and worked poorly. Shortly after departing from his terminal and entering the main section of the airport, a large group of police officers scurried across towards Jay. Instantly his skin paled and became clammy. His heart started racing, sweat began to form around the top of his forehead. And, just as quickly as his anxiety built, it was melted away. The officers sprinted right past him, not even batting an eye. Jay let out a sigh of relief as he wiped the sweat from his brow. Jay continued walking through the airport, and this continued to get weird. Every few minutes he would see a police officer or a group of them rush by him, or down a hallway. The first few times it made him nervous but then he began to think that something else was happening. Jay neared another large atrium-like room and as he passed into it, a gunshot rang out. Throughout his life he had heard gunshots many times, but considering what he had done only hours before, it made him very uncomfortable. People began screaming, running, and trampling over each other. Jay quickly sidestepped to the wall of the hallway. The crowd thinned after a few moments, and then he continued walking. In the distance he could see the list of flights, all canceled. He paid no mind to it. Something crazy was happening inside of the airport. There were groups of cops, and now soldiers, plus the gunshot. Jay was completely on edge, the slightest thing could push him over. Three separate people passed him, he asked what was going on, and they ignored him. Worry was now starting to creep into his mind. [i]Did I just land into a spree shooting?[/i] he thought. Finally there was a sight that brought a shed of relief. About fifteen feet away, with their backs to him, was a man and a girl. What made them stand out was the fact that they were simply sitting on a bench, not running, not panicking, just sitting there. Maybe they knew what was going on. Considering what was happening all around them, Jay wondered if it would be a good idea to approach or not. Maybe this man was more on edge than Jay, and would attack. Or maybe he was no longer "all there", so to speak. At this point, it did not really matter. Jay could hear soldiers yelling at people all over, barking out commands. Well, if the man was "nuts", Jay was going to find out. He slowly walked up, almost creeping from behind, until he was behind the bench. Taking three large strides, he placed himself in front of the man. "Do you know what's happening? I just landed about a half hour ago... I think"