[img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/099/6/4/wahnsinn_by_kyrie0201-d60zoj6.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Delilah [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]God/Goddess:[/b] [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perses_(Titan)]Perses-God of Destruction[/url] [b]Personality:[/b] As a woman of a serious nature, its often hard for her to slow down and and enjoy things. She is often so caught up in her own mindset that she forgets to include the feelings of others. Delilah pays attention to the big picture- which means she sometimes tends to take things for granted. She has a strong sense of loyalty and duty, often casting aside unnecessary debility in order to achieve the larger goal. Delilah has no problem speaking her mind to anyone, but her feelings are something she will usually cast aside as 'unnecessary' or 'distracting'. For the most part, shes pretty blunt as well. You probably shouldn't ask her if that dress makes you look fat if you only want feedback. She isn't good at taking orders from people she believes is unworthy of her time. She can be haughty and a little selfish, and definitely does not like to get close to people. For the most part, Delilah looks down on others until they have otherwise proven themselves to be of some worth. Furthermore, she distances herself from people as a means to belittle their self-worth. She is not very good around others she deems 'weak' in general. [b]Abilities/weapons?:[/b] The girl posses physical strength(Which is far superior to any normal human), since she is surrounded by destruction. She is rather sluggish so she relies on her pure strength. She swings around a large axe(which is very heavy, most can't carry it). In God of War Perses was characterized as a large volcanic giant, so Delilah has the ability to raise her body temperature and soon ignite her body into flame/magma. [b]Crush:[/b] N/A