[b]Nation Name:[/b] [i]Ptolus[/i] [b]Population:[/b] 400,000 [b]Religion(s):[/b] No distinct religion, worshipers of all sorts are welcome. [b]Government[/b]: Oligarchy (Oligarchs are people, most often from a country that emerged from Anarchy, of various important positions in power. There might be some actual monarchs involved but they'd share power with aristocrats, wealthy land owners, and perhaps other rulers, like guild owners, etcetera. Oligarchy's aren't necessarily violent, but it may be difficult to hold order since all the different factions, while technically a coherent and unified whole, are at least half-autonomous and attempting to strike things out on their own. A benefit to Oligarchy's is that it's possible to develop very politically advanced and culturally advanced nation states quicker than a nation could have grown other wise through having so many different voices heard.) [b]Geography:[/b] Tetrahedral island between the two landmasses. Mostly savannah, with a mountainous region near the center of the small island. [b]Size:[/b] 750 square miles. [b]History[/b]: Ptolus is not a sovereign kingdom, but rather an independent political city-state of sorts that adheres to the philosophical ideology of unification for the intents and purposes of studying and understanding magic. The city-state has a population of around 400,000 of whom 300,000 are active wizards, sorcerers, clerics and mages. Those not magically affluent serve as scribes, workers, and auxiliary roles or familial roles. Ptolus has races and ethnicities from all over the world where youngsters who are deemed magically affluent flock to the majestic city to learn their craft before returning home. Ptolus is run by the [b]Council of Savaya[/b], upon whom are the greatest Archmages the world has ever known. These members (among also lesser affiliates of Ptolus) have renounced ties to their nations for the pursuit of mage. They are the governing body of Ptolus. [b]Connections[/b] -- [u]Kraal Thauken[/u]: The Wolfmen of Kraal Thauken make up less than 3% of the participating students of the arcane. However, the Council of Savaya employs the [i]Kaandu Ferarus[/i], magically imbued and enhanced Wolfmen who serve as [i]sentinels[/i] on the island. They are protectors against rogue mages or those who attempt to flee with the secrets of Ptolus. The [i]School of Enchantment[/i] maintains their sway over these Wolfmen, which releases their feral nature and makes them savage night time hunters. The [i]School of Transmutation[/i] has increased the senses and characteristics: night vision, enhanced hearing, and sharpened claws.