Claire waited patiently for the others to arrive, deciding to not take a seat at the table and stay by Latias's side, who was still humming happily to herself. Aodomorn arrived soon enough, followed by his Zoroark. Claire had never liked Zoroark much, but Latias seemed to enjoy the pokemons company, obvious by the fact Latias waved at him when he entered. Perhaps it was because they both liked getting up to no good. She was sure they both worked together on some of their shenanigans before, even if she had no proof. Adomorn was followed shortly by Princess Adelaide riding her Raikou through one of the windows. Claire refrained from sighing at her entrance. She was used to her antics by now. She had a constant companion who was very similar in behavior after all, but Adelaide was a princess, she should act a bit more like one. Though, as long as she didn't get hurt in the process of her antics she supposed there was nothing to worry about. And lastly, Ana came waltzing in, followed by her slow as usual Haxorus. She had no strong opinions of Ana one way or another, but she seemed like a capable fighter and a decent person if she would stop being so lazy and take things more seriously. She had never sparred with her herself, Chau had always conveniently tried to prevent that from happening. She had always planned to one day, but things kept pushing that back. Haxorus, on the other hand, she liked a lot. Claire had always liked dragon pokemon, be it from their sheer power, or simply just from the way they looked. Claire was interrupted from her thoughts, however, as Zokura began to speak about the reason they had been summoned here. [i]"My apologies to you all for summing you here at such an early hour. I know many of you have other rituals and practices you'd be doing at this time of the morning, but I assure you, I would not pull you from your lives and duties was there not a great importance placed on the reason. There is an unsettling presence nearing our kingdom's boarders in the east. Some of you, I feel, may know of what I speak. There is a darkness that slithered up from the night and fought with the sun, trying to snuff out its light. The sun won this time but tomorrow I fear the display may creep into view again, and the day after that, and every day after that until the darkness swells and takes the skies."[/i] In the small silence, Claire nearly let out a high pitch squeal as something poked her in the side. [b][i]"Hehe, and you thought I was just hungry."[/i][/b] Latias whispered, as she gave Claire a somewhat smug look. Claire said nothing, but merely rolled her eyes and folded her arms. She had more important things to do than to argue with Latias right now. [i]"Those of you who did not lay eyes on this darkness of which I speak, you will be requested to rise before the sun tomorrow and gaze upon this shroud of unease for one cannot truly understand the direty of the situation at hand without feeling the negative radiance expelled by the shadow on the horizon. Adelaide, I ask that you no longer leave the immediate kingdom. Even the farthest of the farmer's fields is too far for you to stray until this issue has been addressed properly. Raiku, for her safety, for your own, and for my sanity, I ask you to enforce this request."[/i] Both reasonable demands. While she hadn't seen it herself, she had to wonder what this darkness was. If it had appeared so suddenly, it likely wasn't invaders from another kingdom. If this was indeed the unease Latias felt when she had awoken this morning, the it was likely a very serious matter. [i]"The reason you were all called here, was to be informed and to provide your respected and valuable input into a plan of action to be taken. I understand you may not fully grasp the concept of a darkness seeping over the horizon, what it might mean, or what we're to do about it. But your minds are sharp, and you all deserve to know what threatens our lands that we might deal with it appropriately. Speak now, my friends, and speak freely; we are of equal worth in these chambers."[/i] Claire was silent, as she closed her eyes to think. She hadn't seen this darkness herself, as she was training all morning. By the time she had stopped to eat, the sun had already banished the darkness. To be honest, it was hard to think of a countermeasure to something they had so little knowledge of. At this point, it could be anything. They should send a scout. Of course, she'd nominate herself for such a position. She was quite curious as to what this 'darkness' was. Sorren was likely going to get it though, if they did send scouts. That was his area of expertise after all. [b]"I think it would be best to send someone to see what exactly this darkness you speak of is, princess."[/b] She stated simply, as she looked over the others in the room.