Nation Name: Kraal Thauken Population: Around 700,000 Religion(s): Though no deities are worshiped, the Thaukon people give thanks to the land, sea and sky for bringing them life. The three together is called the Trinitum, and prayers are given in thanks. Government: Monarchy, though strength is respected over bloodlines. Once the current king (called a Rostor in Thoukon tongue) dies, a tournament is held, and the winner is crown the new Rostor. Individual settlements are watched over and taken care of by females, often elderly, who act as mayors, and the males and young, strong women are needed as soldiers or farmers. Geography: The Thaukon inhabit a land that is mostly hills, mountains and valleys. Any land flat and fertile enough for farming or grazing is used as such, meaning that the Thaukon mostly live on hills or mountainsides. Size: 13,500 Square Miles Inhabitants: Kraal Thauken is run by a population of Wolf-men called the Thaukon who have been on this earth for as long as human records have been kept. They have a simple way of life, agriculture being only a recent addition to the previously hunter-gatherer culture. They are a very tribal people, though blood does not matter to them as much as strength. Village elders organize and take care of settlements, but it is the strong who are feared and respected. It is the strong whose order are followed by word of raven. Is this ok?