Hiiiiiiiii~~<3!! Adorable? Yeah, cuz MEEEEEE!!!! ;D xDDDD K so right yeah, this bunny is waaaaaaaaaaaay too hipster for ponies. Yeah, we bunnies dun do the ponies... we does THIS!!!! [youtube]TRxR3-AzXos[/youtube] RAINBOW DASH~~~~ Yeah, so naw, this bunny dun bounce around 24/7, this bunny just bounces around! ~BOING!!!~ xDDD K but sorry, been busy and stuffs. Yeah, and you like muh post? I likes all yours toooooooooooooooo!!^^ Right. So like dun know what to post nexxt but gunna wait to see what Hamster does next. Probs gets ideas there. So yeah, hopes we gets our Angel to post up too right? RIGHT!!!! ~BOING!!!~ K, so like thinking that wherever the meet is, Desiree can meet up with theothers? Mebbe? Mebbe let me know, k? If not, then probs gunna have one of Diz's sibs show up then. K. Lurvs. ~~<3