[b][i] – Kathy[/i][/b] With a cough, Kathy suppressed her laughter as she repeated, “Humans in… Levels?” She was worried she her actions might be taken wrong and Little Feather would be offended, but the idea that someone could misunderstand her statement that way was so unexpected that she couldn’t help but find it incredibly amusing. It was quite adorable, actually. Clearing her throat she clarified, “Actually I was talking about the book. I picked up one that was too complicated for me to understand, nothing to do with humans themselves. At this academy there might actually be some benefit to divide people up in into levels though, like in terms of strength perhaps?” Unable to hear the conversation from Lion’s end, she raised a slight eyebrow as Little Feather seemed to be conversing with him. [i]’Fly paper? What are they talking about?’[/i] Deciding it was probably telepathy or Little Feather was actually able to understand the sounds Lion was making, she answered, “Having a lion around is little strange, but nothing to worry about.” Giving both Lion and Little feather a reassuring smile she continued, “Strange is the normal here, which means Lion is just going to fit right in.” She gave Lion a few gentle pats on the top of his head. “So you’re a spirit animal? First time I’ve met one. I guess that means you’re something like Little Feather’s guardian right? Take good care of her.” Glancing from the hooded boy to Little Feather, she gave a small shake of her head and a slight shrug to indicate she didn’t know who he was either. Hearing his introduction she began, “Nice to meet you Kenshi. Sure, come sit down with….?” Kathy stopped talking mid-sentence when she saw the knife. “What are you doing?” Her confusion turned to surprise when she saw him run the blade along his finger, seeming to cut it. Worried, she jumped out from her seat and grabbed the boy’s wrist to keep him from moving the knife any further. After a quick examination, she let out a sigh of relief when she saw there was no blood. In a calm but stern voice she asked Kenshi, “Just what are you doing to yourself?”