If by chance you didn't read my earlier post in time, I'm still willing to rearrange some info if this conflicts with any cs already in the making. ---- [img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs45/f/2009/092/9/1/Alien_by_Robotpencil.jpg[/img] [b]Name: [/b] Nadan Taushir [b]Age:[/b] 421 [b]Height:[/b] 6’5” [b]Build:[/b] Slim/Athletic [b]Weight:[/b] 214 lbs [b]birth quadrant[/b] B15 [b]Primary Role:[/b] Operations Officer [b]Secondary Role:[/b] Agriculture [b]Personality:[/b] Disciplined. Patient. Well-spoken. Stern. Nadan embodies all of the necessary qualities of an effective leader. However, the rashilian rarely – if at all – expresses empathy or compassion. Past traumatic events have resulted in several psychological scars. Therefore, the rashilian avoids interpersonal relationships, barring anyone entry into his true self for fear of exposing weakness. He has maintained this façade for over a hundred years, and refuses to believe that he is showing signs of mental instability. [b]Species: [/b] Rashilian [b]Species Origin: [/b] The rashilians that came from the B15 quadrant are the original founders of the Metacaug Elite. The pursuit of absolute knowledge is a major motivation for them. While they are believed to have little-to-no religious beliefs, rashilians praise academia as if it were a deity. They were the first known species in recorded history to develop FTL travel, which in turn, made them the first to establish first contact with the Yirkuthu. A peaceful interaction resulted in a bountiful partnership; Rashilian technology for Yirkuthu resources. However, when war broke out between the Draithosi and the Yirkuthu Empires, the rashilians wanted no part of the feud. This sentiment was not expressed by the more war faring species within the Metacaug Elite, who believed the Draithosi were a serious threat. The Metacaug Council soon publicly condemned the Draithosi, and proclaimed their aid to Yirkuthu. The rashilians eventually joined the rest of the Metacaug against the Draithoisi. Experimental bio bombs and enhanced weaponry, drastically turned the tides of war in Yirkuthu's favor. Rashilians are amphibious humanoids with slender, athletically firm frames. Their most distinct features are their slightly elongated craniums, and multi-colored complexions, which run in v-shaped epithelial layers down the middle of their bodies. They have a hyperactive cellular regenerative system, which allows them to age up to six hundred years. [b]Character History:[/b] Nadan Taushir served in the Metacaug Elite toward the tail end of the galactic war, and campaigned several tours against anti-ULSS rebels. He has witnessed an intense spectrum of both peace and war over a span of four hundred years. The rashilian was born at the very homeworld of his people, Unan, of B15 quadrant. After graduating from the most prestigious universities his civilization had to offer, he studied abroad, entering Yirkuthu territory to expand his horizons. It was here where he met his first and last love, Sihari Hiona. They were to elope after seven years of partnership, but she passed during a Draithosi invasion that included the decimation of her entire homeworld, Chaiosi. Nadan, grief-stricken with rage, immediately enlisted into the Metacaug Space Military Academy. Nadan rotated through several orbital fortresses, marine frigates, battle cruisers, and destroyers, mainly as a scientist – though he also functioned as a back-up medic and navigations officer, especially onboard vessels kneedeep in the frontlines of battle. Nadan continued to serve in the Metacaug Elite, until its main military faculties integrated into the ULSS armada. He was immediately reassigned to a new frigate, the ULSS Galladra, which was part of a tactical fleet dispatched specifically for rebel insurgency. Unlike his last campaign during the great war, Nadan was more active on the field this time around. However, the extent of his service is not thoroughly detailed on public record. As a witness to several life cycles of war and oppression, heart ache and loss, Nadan sought immediate escape from his ULSS duties. The rashilian wished to return to his roots as a scientific scholar, one that promoted genesis and peace, not engineered destruction and violence. The ULSS elites granted Nadan honorary leave. He went on to aid communities across the stars, embarking on his own pilgrimage that ended at the homeworld of his lost love. Planet Chaiosi. Nadan volunteered into a peace keeping organization, where he developed an affinity for agricultural terraformation. This acquired skill became a newfound passion for Nadan, and he dedicated a good sum of his life revitalizing Chaiosi's plant culture. The rashilian was content on spending the rest of his days on Sihari's homeworld, and if it weren't for the persistence of the ULSS, he would have gladly done so. Unbeknownst to Nadan, the ULSS had been monitoring his progress, observing his ability to restore Chaiosi's life sustaining properties within a short timescale. The ULSS also took note of his ability to lead, commending Nadan for coordinating aid workers, Chaiosian survivors, and migrating settlers, during the restoration process. After much thought and negotiation, the rashilian finally agreed to partake in the ULSS space program. Ultimately, the idea of exploring the outer reaches of the galaxy is what convinced Nadan to join. It awakened an old flame of scholarly wonder once thought extinguished in the rashilian, and he longed for another journey across the cosmos. Leaving his restoration work in the hands of the Chaiosians, he traveled to the primary ULSS research station - the orbital hub of the ULSS Science division - and enlisted into the four year program as a hopeful candidate. [b]Equipment:[/b] - Standard ULSS Enviro Suit - [hider=Drone Helper Izo][img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110323011348/fallout/images/6/6c/Zeta_Drone_6.jpg[/img] Info: Nadan built Izo sometime after serving the ULSS Galladra, during his pilgrimage toward Chaiosi. It has basic A.I. software, but can efficiently perform a wide range of complex tasks.[/hider] - [hider=Pet Rami][img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/339/e/b/ramicantharis_by_hyrotrioskjan-d6wukrr.jpg[/img] Info: An insectoid Nadan found while excavating a crevasse on planet Chaiosi. It's completely responsive to the rashilian, but won't mind giving equal attention to anyone that offers it food. Its respiratory system can filtrate any harmful bacterium within an enclosed space. Nadan likes to keep it in his quarters as a living humidifier. [/hider] [hider=living quarters][img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/079/7/9/79bd370c5adc14e2b755545d1801f402-d3jfapi.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Misc Info:[/b]