Judging by the Talonflame’s arrival Chau guessed the man it partnered with would not be making it on a time, a guess that was made correct by Zokura shortly after she retrieved its message. With another attendee accounted for, there were only a few other individuals the group was waiting on. Frankly, the Head expected at least another to show up late as she usually did, and unsurprisingly, the meeting only began after Ana finally walked through the doors to take her seat. With all members in attendance, Chau gave the door several sharp raps to signal to the guards outside before he finally moved to take his seat at the table. He did crack a small smile at Adelaide’s appearance and motioned for the youngest to take care of her hair as he approached the table; only her whims dictated whether she would catch the motion and, even then, listen. Unlike some of the others, Chau did have an idea of what Zokura spoke of. While he hadn’t managed to set his own eyes on the encroaching darkness like the princess had, it was enough to know his thoughts on the matter hadn’t been unwarranted. When the princess finally finished with her speech, Chau made to speak, but Claire’s voice rang out first. After she finished, he stood up with a nod in her direction before turning to face those at the table. [b]“As Claire has stated, the most important thing right now is to find out what we are dealing with. In all likelihood, the task will be your’s [u]Sorren[/u], but the decision will be made tomorrow. That aside if this darkness is as Princess Zokura has described, I suspect the heaviest burdens will fall on our companions and partners. To that end, I expect every one of you,”[/b] turning to each member of the Royal Guard present, [b]“to push them. We must be ready should things turn for the worst. I would also ask for Ser Zion and Adomorn,”[/b] nodding at the two men respectively, [b]“to scour for any piece of information that may relate to this. Even legends, which are mainly the works of Legendaries, may be of use.”[/b] With all that said and done, he gave another nod to the room as a whole before he sat down. While he had intended to say something to Adelaide, he trusted that what Zokura had said would be enough for the young lady. If not? Well, then she would be deserving of a few harsh, but true, words.