Larkin tensed, preparing to feel the pain of teeth at his neck but it never came. A thunderous howl filled the clearing and the boy felt the weight lifted from his back. He shakily rolled onto his back and into a sitting position, eyes widening at the scene in front of him. A large black wolf was batting at the smaller wolves like they were flies. Larkin watched as the black wolf was bit but still managed to fight off most of the wolves. Then he witnessed something that made him rub his eyes and pinch himself just to make sure he wasn't dreaming. The wolf...[i]turned[/i] into a boy maybe a few years older than Larkin himself. He watched the boy kick the wolf in the face before turning to face him. Larkin flinched, scooting back slightly as the male came over to him and lifted him to his feet. He gazed up at the boy with wide, unbelieving eyes. He then let out a high-pitched yelp when the boy suddenly stumbled forward and fell into him, almost knocking Larkin to the ground. He was soon released and Larkin backed up a few inches, eyes even wider than before. However, when Larkin saw how hurt the boy was his kind side quickly overrode his fearful side and Larkin hurriedly stripped off his hoodie. He shivered at the coldness of the night and stepped for timidly and pressed the cloth against the wound with gentle, albeit trembling hands.