As the train came to a stop at the station, Tyson couldn't help but crack a toothy grin as he looked at the beautiful scenery of the town of Alice. He'd at first been a bit skeptical when his friend Faith had forwarded him an invite to spend the summer at a cabin with a friend of hers, but seeing the place with his own eyes made him happy he'd agreed to come. It was a lot better than spending the summer at a wrestling camp or with his weird Aunt Beatrice, that's for sure. As he contemplated which of the two would have been worse, a portly fellow took his tab from the seat above him, smiling as he announced they'd arrived at his destination on perfect time. Tyson, nodded his head as he practically leaped from his seat, backpack hooked over his right shoulder and a small carry-on bag his father had let him borrow held tightly in his left hand. Stepping off the train into the brilliance of late afternoon, Tyson spotted a row of taxi's practically beckoning him forward as he tried to take in all the wondrous sights around him. By taking in these sights, however, the young man realized how out of place he looked compared to the majority of those milling about station. Most were dressed very "well-to-do" and the like, while he himself was wearing a simple t-shirt from one of his wrestling meets, blue jeans. and his favorite pair of running shoes. Faith would probably ding him for that, as she had said her friend and the area were very affluent. At any rate, this thought made him pick up the pace as he hurried over to one of the cabs, the driver bowing his head as he popped the trunk for Tyson to put his things. After tossing his stuff into the back, he hopped into the back of the cab, fiddling with a piece of paper from his wallet as the cab driver waited for directions. "Uhhh...hmmm..hold on, sorry man. I believe the place I'm supposed to be is called Sunlife Cabin?" Tyson got an odd look from the driver, which caused him to look back at the paper, his cheeks reddening as he did so. "Oh, I mean Starlight Cabin! Sorry man, trying to get my bearings, not used to being in a place like this." The cab driver simply laughed and told him not to worry about it, asking if the station he had playing would be alright for the twenty minute drive to the cabin. Tyson simply smiled and nodded his head, the cool tunes of Hendrix playing away. A pang of home sickness hit him, as his dad was always listened to the classics, but he knew that would subside as soon as he was at the cabin with his friends. The drive seemed to be over in the blink of an eye, as the cab driver hopped out to help Tyson remove his luggage from the back. A quick bit of banter broke out as the driver said all services had been paid for on this route, while Tyson felt bad about not repaying the driver for the smooth tunes and drive. Finally they shook hands, Tyson palming a ten dollar bill in the mans hand and rushing off towards the cabin before he could protest. It looked like the gang was all here, as he saw Faith and Rayne up on the porch, along with a couple other teens he didn't recognize. [i]Well, here goes nothing.[/i] he thought to himself as he made his way up to the porch. "Hey guys! Faith good to see ya and Rayne, I'm surprised pest control allowed you off the train." Tyson laughed as he made his entrance, poking fun as he turned to the others. "I apologize, I'm Tyson, self appointed friend of Faith and Rayne at your service."