A few ideas flicker through his mind as the boy reveals the new tidbit of information and for several seconds he remains silent in thought. [i]'What he says implies that the Sire of the one who made him was most likely coming to the new land to meet up with their own Sire. If their maker was already here and they on their way to him I may be able to find some information on the arrival from the local chapter of my order. I know there is one not too far from here, a nights ride at most even with a passenger'[/i] His fingers still for a moment and he lets out a faint sigh. [i]'And if that does not work, I will have to begin my search manually. Going from town to town seeking out new arrivals and others who share his scent'[/i] Looking down at the boy, his eyes coming back into focus he tousles his hair once more. “Good job, that is very helpful. We shall not leave right away tonight, however we should wake early tomorrow. We will need the full night to reach our next destination.” Shifting the young one off to the side, setting him gently on the mattress, Dorian stands and begins removing his clothes in preparation for bed. He lays each piece out so that they do not wrinkle, and with a sigh he likewise sorts out James's clothing. “I know it is early, however I am feeling quite settled at the moment and it would be nice to get another bath before we leave.” Once free of all his clothes Dorian returns to the beds and crawls beneath the covers. Stretching he lays so that the boy will have room beside him and settles back into the mattress, his hair splaying out over the pillow.