The praise makes James glow glad he can be of use to Dorian. The young vampire strips off his own clothes not taking the same care as Dorian, he does not even notice the older vampire tidying them up. Yawning widly James scratches his belly and pulls sheets up around his waist blue eyes following the older vampire around the room until he is joined in bed. Smiling James curls up against Dorian. "Bath when we wake up," he insists softly closing his eyes. "I just want to lie with you." One arm lazily comes over Dorian's chest and he slides himself so he is flush against the other vampire. It is not long before James is asleep, his breathing stops and he lays as still as the corpse he now is. It was just before sunset when James rouses, he untangles himself from Dorian and climbes out of the bed. He is a little hungry but does not try to leave the room like the morning before. The young one climbs back on the bed and crawls over to Dorian nudging him awake. "I'm hungry," he whispers his fangs coming out.