Terry woke up and started his action plan immediately. His parents had left yesterday for a vacation, and a few weeks ago, terry had found the password to the storage room in his mansion. Terry's parents bred Pokemon for a living, and they got rich off of it. But they never let Terry have his own Pokemon for fear he would leave them. He had everything, except that which he desired the most. He punched in the pass code and entered the room. There were crates with sleeping Pokemon, and rows upon rows of eggs. The closest one to the door was a depressed looking eevee. When he reached to open the cage, the eevee made a growling noise. Pho weber, when he opened it up, the eevee hopped onto his shoulder and started to get really happy at being let out. Terry made his way down to route one, where he saw some other trainers. "Is this the starting point for new trainers?" She said with a grin as eevee jumped onto his head.