[hider=Mukai]Name: Mukai Appearance: [center][img=http://www.game-art-hq.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Bloody-Roar-II-Game-Character-Official-Artwork-Render-Gado.jpg][/center] Personality: The silent type, doesn't have much to say but has a big temper, not really evil at all, but whoever is an enemy to the guild is the enemy to him. Rank: Mephisto, #4 Magic: Transformation Magic Description of magic: Transformation allows its Caster to change his or her appearance. the Caster can acquire all additional physical features such as wings or gills, and can even change size. Transformation Form: [center][img=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/025/3/d/asura_white_lantern_by_666darks-d5snd7x.png][/center][/hider] [hider=Cicero] Name: Cicero Race: Demon Appearance [center][img=http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/c7/ac/94/c7ac943b2216ad8d447ad570d87f303f.jpg][/center] Personality: Split personality, depending on the color of his eyes. When green, he's goofy, ecstatic, excitable and childish. When red, he's ruthless, heartless, and completely serious. This is when he's most dangerous. Some in the dark guild say that Cicero is crazy, and his split personalities are two separate demons that have taken him over. Due to the nature of the two personalities, it's safe to assume that the two demons hate eachother, and are always butting heads in Cicero's mind, thus causing him to constantly talk and scream to himself. Rank: Mephisto, #5 Magic: Acid Magic Description of magic: It is a Magic which allows the user to create and control acid in various different ways, and to various different effects. The acid produced as a result of this Magic is extremely corrosive, to the point where it can gnaw through solid stone, and has been noted to be extremely difficult to deflect or cut, making it an ideal weapon against most opponents Magic: Living Magic Description of magic: Living Magic is a type of Magic that allows the user to bring life to their creations. They can create different creatures from inanimate objects. Occasionally, the user has to perform different techniques or preparations in order to cast this Magic's spell. Multiple creatures can be created simultaneously,and the caster can give their creations distinct appearances, personalities, and abilities. Some given abilities can be Magic itself. In most cases, the caster is able to control their creations, though sometimes, if the Magic is used too long, the situation reverses. Magic: Jester's Eyes Description of magic: A magic created and developed by Cicero. He combines and controls his split personalities, Thus changing the color of his eyes to yellow and increasing his magical power. It is difficult to activate Jester's Eyes since both his personalities are complete opposites, but if Cicero manages to activate Jester's Eyes, not only is his magical power increased, but his Living Magic is altered, and he has the ability to change the properties of creatures he creates, as well as their size. Due to the nature of Cicero's split personalities, he will no longer be able to control his actions once Jester's Eyes is activated, meaning he will no longer see allies or enemies, and will attack anything and everything without thinking, no matter who it may be.[/hider] [hider=Ezekiel] Name: Ezekiel Appearance: [center][img=http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/cloak-ominous.jpg][/center] Personality: Cold, sadistic, merciless Rank: Mephisto, #3 Magic: Light Magic Description of magic: It is a Magic in which the caster is able to manipulate and utilize light in various ways. Occasionally, a certain technique, usually involving the hands, is used to cast a Light spell. When used for offense, the Magic can take the form of a sphere-like object that can be ejected at the opponent or as a beam that can be blasted Light can also be emitted from the caster's body; depending on the brightness or heat that the light emits, it can be capable enough to blind an enemy or cause the surroundings to explode. Light Magic can also be manifested for multiple usage in defense. Magic: Teleportation Magic Description of magic: This Magic allows the user to cover very large distances in the blink of an eye. It makes for an extremely fast and effective means of transportation, and can also be used in combat when the situation requires fast actions [/hider]