[b]Name:[/b] Rennee "Ren" Byrne [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Career:[/b] Bartender [b]Appearance:[/b] Ren stands at 5’5, a height that is neither tall enough or short enough to be considered remarkable. Her average height is accompanied by an average weight. As someone who enjoys running, she is fit, but by no means exceptionally toned. Her skin is pale, but it darkens with any time spent in the sunlight. A handful of very light brown freckles adorn her cheeks, somehow making her round face appear even more pleasant. She has large, deep set blue eyes, and plump pink lips. Long, black hair falls to her waist, normally without any structure, but occasionally done up in a thick braid. Normal attire for her consists of blue jeans, black tennis shoes, and a hoodie. [url=http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b264/Rosslinger/alexandra_daddario_avatar_by_gryffi.jpg]Here[/url] is the image that inspired her look. It isn't 100% to what I have in mind, but it will give you some idea! [b]Personality:[/b] Ren is generally a mild-mannered woman. However, when challenged, she will argue to the point of being excessive. She has a short fuse and a nasty temper, a trait that many associate with the Irish. She is fiercely proud of her heritage and will not hesitate before laying out anyone who mocks her thick accent. Independent and self-reliant,Ren cares not whether she is surrounded by people or entirely on her own. When she has to, she can play well with others, but often has to resist the urge to take charge. At the end of the day, she will do whatever it takes to survive long enough to return to Ireland. She refuses to meet her maker on unfamiliar soil. [b]History:[/b] Born and raised in Killarney, Ren grew to hate the small-town atmosphere. She always wanted to get out and find something bigger, but she was haunted by the notion that she might never leave the town. Killarney had been the birth place of her parents, and her parents parents, and so on. Her chance came when she was accepted to the National University of Ireland. She packed up everything and left for Galway, promising herself that she would never again be trapped in such a small, sleepy city. She fell in love with Galway, and after graduating with a four year degree in business, decided to stay in the city. She hoped to one day open her own pub, and to build her resume, she began working at one full-time. As she was on her own in a big city, Ren studied martial arts, and became familiar with defensive hand-to-hand combat. Though she was away from them, the girl managed to stay in close contact with her family, especially her uncle Mike. They had always been close, and they grew even closer after he helped her pay her college tuition until she became more financially stable. One day, she received an interesting offer from him. It seemed the man had been offered a job in the United States, and he had just purchased a new house. Rather than hauling his wife and two young children across the pond just to find out the house was not to his liking, he asked Ren to check things out for him. He offered her enough money to cover the trip, as well as the promise of a new adventure. At first she was hesitant, as it was a long trip to make on her own. But remembering the money he had given her, Ren knew she owed him a favor. She learned that she would have the house to herself for three weeks. She would be free to do whatever she pleased. With high hopes, she had accepted. But when the taxi dropped her off in the incredibly small town in Vermont, the girl feared she might snap. It was like being back in Killarney, but everyone spoke strangely and she knew no one. She spent her days learning how to shoot a hand-gun at the local range, just to blow off steam and give her a feeling of being in control. Of course, the girl could never know that she would be sprung from the city only weeks later by an alien attack. She swore no matter what, she would see Galway again before she died. She would do whatever it took to stay alive that long. [b]Abilities:[/b] For reasons that Ren does not understand, she awoke with the following abilities: - Memory manipulation: Ren can "tweak" a person's memory, and replace it with something of her choosing. For example, she can erase her presence from the memory of someone she is trying to sneak by. - Reading thoughts: Ren also has the ability to read the thoughts of those around her. She must do this deliberately, by focusing on that individual (she doesn't just hear a jumble of thoughts from around her). - Invisibility: This physical alteration begins to manifest throughout the story, and she struggles to control it. * Note: These abilities do not work on every race that she encounters. It is really hit or miss.