"Ahhhhhhh, Ko-Ko- uh, Blaine! It's not hot...I...got the...f'ck'n AC on. C'mon man!" Daemon slapped the other man's arm, tipping over in the process and gripping Koyaani's arm to regain his balance. "D'mn dude..." He poked the other's arm. "Y-yer ripped...." He took another swig of vodka and leaned back with a laugh. "Maybe you could kick my dad's ass fer m-" "Daemon!" Hadrian hissed, suddenly sober. Daemon's brow furrowed in confusion as he nursed his bottle. He began pouting as Hadrian sighed. "Look, you're the one that told me to stop you from talking about your dad around people, even if it means knocking your ass out." He stated with a huff, leaning back into the couch. "Why shunt 'e know 'bout the b'st'rd rune...rune...ruinin' my life?" Daemon whined. "'e 'as ta live w'th me 'n' all...'nd 'at douche is gonna show up s'm'tm..." "You drunk bastard, I can hardly understand you..." Hadrian shook his head. "Hey Blaine, you drunk enough to forget everything said here tonight?" he asked hopefully as Daemon began mumbling again.