[hider=Alexis Character Sheet]Name: Alexis "Grandpa" Koyovski Age: 39 Appearance: [img=http://image.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/292793/167013857/stock-photo-disabled-man-suffering-from-an-illness-sits-in-his-wheelchair-in-front-of-his-home-167013857.jpg] Suit Nickname: Pyro Suit Appearance: [img=http://static2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130912192404/marveldatabase/images/6/60/Iron_Man_Armor_MK_XXIII_%28Earth-199999%29.jpg] Alexis' armor is based on the Mark 23 'Shades' armor, a specialized suit designed to operate in extremely high temperatures. Alexis uses this to his advantage, wielding a back-mounted flamethrower and replacing the standard flares with incendiary grenades and the warheads with napalm on the mini-missiles. It is a bit heavier than the standard suit due to the large fuel tank on his back. He has changed the desert camouflage design to matte gray with flames on the arms and legs. Alexis is only capable of walking when in his armor. Years attended TSA: Fresh recruit Bio: Alexis is a New Yorker, born and raised. As a teen he was a hoodlum, slinging drugs and running with his crew. He was arrested after burning down the house of a rival gang member, nearly killing them. His time in juvie changed him; after being released on early probation for good behavior, Alexis abandoned his gang and began working to better both his life and his neighborhood. Right out of high school, he achieved his dream of becoming a firefighter like his father. He loved the work; after studying fire sciences in high school, he was able to channel his pyromania into something good. His was one of the first ladders to arrive on 9/11. On his way back down the south tower to help guide people part of the tower collapsed, crushing him after he pushed several people out of the way of falling debris. Alexis' legs suffered horrible damage, rendering him stuck to a wheelchair for the rest of his life. He didn't let losing the use of his legs get to him, however; he became a local role model, talking to classes about his life and helping at-risk teens to turn their lives around like he did. He was working on entering politics when he got an offer from Tony Stark himself to join the TSA, which he jumped on. Figuratively, of course; being a paraplegic inhibits one's ability to jump. Skill/Ability: Alexis received some medical training when becoming a firefighter; he had been expanding on this after being enrolled, in order to be of more use to his team. He is also a skilled public speaker. Speaks fluent Russian. Personality: Alexis is upbeat, his positive attitude enough to be grating sometimes. He tries to make light of serious situations, most notably making jokes about being a paraplegic (I would hug you if my head wasn't always at crotch level.) Relationship: None. Other: Alexis hate pineapples with a fiery passion, no pun intended. He also hates puns. [/hider] :3