[center][img]http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc415/LillithChristfoREVer296/lydia_zpsb2e40f27.jpg[/img] Lydia stands at 4'11 and weighs around 100 pounds but she is very quick and light on her feet, as all Rangers are. She is a very fast runner and she is able to climb almost anything. Her build is slender and petite but she is still fit. She keeps her hair in a braid almost all the time, only ever letting her hair down when she sleeps. Lydia Finch 16 Human She carries a recurve bow, not yet strong enough for the long bow and she carries the standard quiver of arrows. Her saxe and throwing knifes are belted around her waist. Lydia wears dark green pants with a lighter green shirt and brown tunic with her black belt around her waist. She wears the standard Ranger's cloak. Seeing that girl's normally do not become Ranger's, Lydia has to work harder than any of the other apprentices to prove her worth.[/center]