Name: Aren Burnwight Age: Forty six Race: Werewolf Appearance: Human Form- [img][/img] Standing at 5'9" and weighing in at 150 lbs, he's built in the lithe manner of a runner, slim, but with a toned and defined musculature, made for agility more than brute strength. His eyes are a deep green in coloring. He maintains neatly-cropped hair, usually a bit of a mess, and tends to have a shadow of stubble on his face. He keeps an easy-going, lazy kind of look most of the time, somewhere between tired and bored, as if he'd rather be sleeping somewhere sunny than doing whatever it is he was doing. Unless that happened to be sleeping in the sun. Then he looks pretty content. Were form- [img][/img] His height gains a few inches, at 6'1" total, and his weight increases accordingly to 172 lbs- All in muscle. While he certainly isn't what one might expect of a knight, or some other large warrior-type, he gains a good bit of muscle-mass here, appearing much more on the 'ripped' side of things. His fur is snow-white in coloring, with black markings over his face and streaking lightly through his mane, which tends to have a braid hanging from the right side, falling to his shoulder in length. He seems to prefer this form, and has a much more content look on his face for the majority of the time. Gear: Of course, he possesses the standard weaponry and gear of a Ranger. A massive longbow of the finest black wood, made to perfection for the man himself, proven capable of putting a shaft through one man and into the guy behind him, or piercing a dragon's scales. With the right arrow, at least. And of course, a quiver of two dozen arrows, all standard broadheads with black shafts and fletching as white as his fur. His throwing and saxe knives, of course, are held in sheathes on his thigh, right where his hand falls naturally. His clothes and what little 'armor' he wears are, thankfully, somehow capable of changing size and shape with his own body when he shifts forms. Because really, who can figure out how werewolves handle that stuff? Either way, he dresses fairly simply. Sturdy but comfortable cloth for his pants and shirt, with strong leather boots, jerkin, and fingerless gloves- And a single bracer, of course, to keep his bowstring from skinning his wrist. The boots mysteriously lose their bottoms when he shifts forms, only covering his legs and the -tops- of his paws, leaving him to walk normally. The standard Ranger Cloak fits his human form as it is supposed to, but the hood becomes fairly moot with the change of his head between forms, making its use much less effective in his wolvish form.