All righty, CS sheets. [b]Human:[/b] Name: Real and username Age: Real and in-game Appearance: Feel free to go with just an in-game appearance for now. Pictures and text is fine. Personality: Digivice: Feel free to come up with your own design. Regardless of source material, they'll all have the same function in this anyway. [b]Digimon[/b] Species: Rookie stage is the default base Nickname: If they were given one Evolutionary Stages: Just list what it digivolves into, and the baby forms. Other Forms: Any Armour/DNA/Alternate Modes they'd end up obtaining at some point? Let's see... while I won't forbid multiple characters using the same Digimon, I'd appreciate if they would at least follow different evo paths. For variety and all that. And speaking of evo paths, I don't mind divergence from canon a little. If you want Greymon to digivolve into Rizegreymon, then that's fine. Though try not to go for something too outlandish, we want logic in our VR RP about monsters that evolve at a whim to beat things up, damn it.