Rosina waved hello to everyone who had walked up. "Hey everyone. Um, i guess this is the meeting place but really....who are we waiting for?" She had noticed the guy who had the Teddiursa and she went up to him, jumping up with excitement, as her Azurill hopped out of her arms to go and greet the Teddiursa, who then went along to meet the other pokemon.....or stare at them really. "Woah you have a Pokedex!?" she asked him, peering at the gadget and completely forgetting to introduce herself. She looked at the Fine Styler she wore on her arm, which she had recieved it after becoming a Top Ranger in her region. It seemed oddly less cool compared to the Pokedex this guy had. Though, since she was trying to become a trainer now, everything about them seemed cooler. "How do you use that thing?" she asked him. She had heard about the Pokedex before but didn't really know what it was. "Do the Pokemon go in there?" she asked, getting it confused with a pokeball. "Do I get one? How do you spend time with your pokemon if their crammed in there? Do trainers have partners? Do your pokemon go away after you become friends with them? Am I asking too many questions?" she finished realizing she had started rambling. She smiled, a bit embarassed. She didnt want to appear like a fangirl, she was just really excited.