I should go to bed soon :( but I wanted to check on here first. As for how long we've been locked up. No need to make a huge deal about it, it doesn't have to be on your CS. Just at some point, mention it in a post and we're good. For the length of time, well, it can't exceed a year because the prison has only been around for a year. As I say that, I literally just implied they built in like a couple weeks to accommodate all of us so we're going to say that it was an anti zombie apocalypse facility that they turned into a prison on short notice. Also, no zombies, just the government being paranoid lol. So it's up to you if you've been there 5 months, or 5 weeks, or 5 days. I'll be friends with someone as I will say I've been there....2 months. Plenty enough time to make some friends, make some enemies, and be settled in. Lastly, about the bracelets. I never really considered the threat levels to determine the strength of the bracelet. I planned on them all having the ability to neutralize our powers evenly and the level determines how many guards are always watching, if we're allowed to go to the library or play with the Tickle-Me-Elmo in the rec area lol. Now one thing we do need to decide on for sure. Is the matter of the weakening bracelets. I would rather have them still be at 100% for a bit, but if you all agree having them already degraded a little, I suppose I can't fight the applause of the crowd. Gladiator joke. A poor one. I know.