The sprawling metropolis of Xenon truly was a paradise. It was a safe haven from the hordes of monsters that inhabited many of the other parts of the island, thanks to the tireless efforts of the city guard and the Hunters, and there was never any risk of going hungry, thanks to the farmers and breeders of Miris, who provide a steady supply of wholesome meats and vegetables. The people even have plenty of entertainment to keep them from getting bored with their lives. Truly a paradise. And still, nothing is perfect. Xenon's Omega district often finds itself besieged by a group known as Barke, and there are the ever present rumors of a dark underbelly to the city. That is also compounded with the fact that the industrial district of Gamma is filled with innumerable thieves and homeless, some can be led to wonder if groups like Barke are correct when they say that Xenon's government is corrupt. Of course, that really made no difference to Red as he got up that morning. It was Friday, which meant he was going there whether he wanted to or not. He dressed himself in the loose shirt he wore every Friday, as well as a pair of comfortable cargo pants, then went outside, where a few others from the farm were already working on filling up the wagon that he would be taking to the city. He sighed, not understanding why he was the one who had to go down across the straight. The ferry always made him sick. He decided to get away for a little bit, heading for the nearby Chocobo Ranch while he had the time. He'd have rung the bell if he'd had half a chance at all, but he was immediately accosted by one of the farm's friendlier residents, a red chocobo by the name of Comet. "Woah, easy, easy!" He exclaimed while the bird attempted to say hello by walking all over him. "Can you give me some air here?" He begged. "I don't have a lot of time, you know!?"