[Dimension 1] She tried not to roll her eyes but couldn't help herself when the Doctor said that feeling was part of life. Yeah, she knew that. But still feeling like crap wasn't a great experience and not when it was only getting worse. If he couldn't help her, she didn't see a point in him sticking around. Though she more thought about it, there was something different about the Doctor. Had something happened after they got out of the labyrinthine. Sure, a lot of people did die and their vacation had been unexpectedly cut short but she wasn't sure what was wrong with him? Then again, worrying about someone else's troubles was a lot easier than dwelling on your own. Jen let out a sigh and shook her head. It didn't seem like he was alright and she wasn't feeling like pretending she was either. So what could two people do when they were down on their luck? Well drinking came to mind but Jen didn't think that was a wise move. When she was upset she did like to turn to writing or reading. But then she wasn't sure what the Doctor did when he was upset. Was the best solution for them to just wander the foreign city and just try not to think about the day at hand. As they slowed at a crosswalk, Jen looked and saw a couple, clearly in love, holding hands and being overall, overly into one another. "Oh god, kill me now." She muttered and resisted making a gagging noise. The last thing Jen wanted right now was more romance. They crossed the intersection and she leaned back, slipping her arms behind her head. "You don't seem like yourself. I mean ever since we escaped that ship inside the cavern...everything okay?" While her mind had been distracted by the danger and self sacrifice of those they worked with, she had a distraction of things being put into perspective which had pushed her to finishing her novelization. Now that it was done, there wasn't anything left to do but to take into account everything that she had been through ever since she met the alien from outer space. A lot had happened, sure but then again, not much in terms of them getting to know each other. Maybe the Doctor wasn't acting weird at all. After all, when she first met him, he didn't really want to make any new friends. Of course he ran around fighting aliens and saving the day, so she could see why having a companion might complicate things. "Sorry I got kinda mad at you, I guess it's not your fault it's Valentines Day." Jen reconsidered begrudgingly. Well, she was a little skeptical that the TARDIS had a mind of its own, because if the Doctor really didn't want to go somewhere, well she wanted to believe it would listen to him. Jen brushed that thought aside as they continued down the sidewalk aimlessly. "This is just really hard for me and I've dreamed about doing this for a long time and now that the moment is right in front me I don't know what to do. This scenario played out so much and you weren't in any of them. I mean well...crap. Sorry." She blamed the wine for her incoherent babbling. "I should be thanking you." She muttered. Her heart was heavy but she wanted to believe that this final gesture, this final encounter would fix everything. But deep down, she didn't think it would. The past couldn't be rewritten, despite the fact she had someone next to her who did in fact have a real time machine. And she didn't think she could ask the Doctor to go back and change Andrew from leaving. And if he was going to leave, maybe it was better they don't stay together. Of course in her mind, he never did. She had it tucked safely in her small pack on her back which left her hands free to play with her brown hair. "You think there's any way we can kinda just go and come back in twenty minutes?" She asked him, pouting a little. She couldn't help but get cold feet. It would be about a year since they were face to face. "Maybe this was a mistake...I shouldn't have asked you to do this..." - - - [Dimension 2] The sea could be a very peaceful place. He had been so many places where a sea could be many different things. He had been to a planet where the sea was inhabited by mermaids. Of course they not friendly and didn't take kindly to those who lived on the land but sometimes species couldn't coexist. And then the Doctor had been to a place called the Dead Sea but rather than be compared to the one on Earth, this one was filled with rotting muck which did kill you, hence the name. He had then been to one where the sea was in fact a light shade of yellow and it was like that due to a certain chemical found on the planet. The land then happened to be dark red. It looked interesting from far away, not his favorite color scheme but who was he to judge? The planet's people didn't seem to mind and he was happy to go back and visit them soon. It was rare for him to find a place that could actually welcome him with open arms. The Doctor had accumulated several enemies over his long lifetime. He had some debts which he could perhaps call upon but he knew more people wanted him dead, than to help keep him alive. The Doctor didn't mind carrying such a burden. He did his best to help people, look after Earth, but in his wake there was destruction and death. Despite his efforts, he was never able to forget the countless innocent lives that had perished because of him. The universe wasn't black and white though. It wasn't just gray either, it was colorful thanks to a large spectrum. And usually he could put on a smile and pretend that his name didn't strike fear in the heart of civilizations. Still, his mind was old and contained plenty of hardened memories of death and betrayal and loss. The Doctor did his best to enjoy a slow day in which hardships weren't as present. And he hoped that his gesture towards his newest companion could instil some faith and restore some balance to their relationship. It wasn't like they'd find danger in such a quiet little town. Of course when the Doctor thought such things, the opposite tended to happen, such was the Time Lord's luck. Summer soon spoke up and thanked him for bringing her, he smiled brightly, glad to have been able to help. Of course he wouldn't know if he did help until the end product. A Time Lord's mind worked so many possibilities after all. "You're welcome, Summer." He said proudly as he brought his cup of tea up to his nose and inhaled deeply. Tea was such a simple pleasure. Maybe tea was one of the reasons why he frequented the UK so often. The man took a drink and settled back, he didn't have much of a plan. He usually let things sort themselves out. He didn't think it was smart to ask around for her parents, that might muck things up. Then Summer muttered a sad statement but he didn't say anything about it as she smiled and asked what they should do. He gave a shrugged. "I dunno, don't really have a plan to be quite honest." The Doctor said plainly. There really wasn't a handbook he could download that could help in such a delicate situation. "I suppose we can just enjoy our tea and see what unfolds." He smiled and took another drink. "Our plans our open, if you'd like to show me around, that's alright with me." He said to Summer. This was for her, and he thought as such that she might like to take the reigns. Sure, exploring the land could be fun but he had a feeling that if he went out and poked around with his sonic screwdriver, he might end up attracting trouble, or Summer might and after the wild mess of events, he would like to avoid trouble if possible. Not to mention this was important to Summer, so if they kept a low profile, it might be for the better. "For the middle of winter, the weather's not bad." He commented.