[quote=GreivousKhan] Bah, the Empire, they abandoned the Redguards to fight the entire Aldmeri Dominion by ourselves! And we still won! Bounce of milk drinkers. Surprised anyone still wants to follow that banner. [/quote] Indeed, Titus Mede was an idiot, The irony is it's implied the Aldmeri were in as bad a state as the Empire by the end, and it was only Medes terrible negotiating skills that messed it all up. I mean, who the hell would give Hammerfell, home of some of the finest swordsmen in Tamriel, away in the worlds worst treaty? They even wanted to remain part of the Empire, it wasn't like he was getting rid of a trouble state by tossing it to his enemies in spite xD Then he agreed to ban Talos worship, so pissed off the Nords, the Temples, his own Imperials and... well, pretty much anyone who likes the Nine Insult to injury, he lets the Thalmor strut around like they own the place. Honestly, I'm surprised no one just walked in, slashed his throat and claimed the throne. The Mede's did it, Tiber Septim pretty much declared himself emperor after going around murdering people etc. It's not like there is a race requirement. So, basically, Mede is an idiot. A brave, honourable idiot who I had respect for when I shoved my blade through him, but an idiot none the less. Not that I regret it though! With him dead, someone with brains can take the throne, shove a sword up the High Elves arse, shove a sword up Ulfrics arse and shove a sword up anyone who doesn't join the Empires arse... Say my Dragonborn xD Have to respect Motierre for at least having the initiative to knock the guy off, even if Motierre is a nasty piece of power hungry scum