[quote=GreivousKhan] To bad the Redguards don't just see it as a Medus blunder. Though a show weakness like that made them lose all respect for him and the empire. And it took years for them to win any respect from the Redguards. It took the siege of Orsinium before the Redguard even bothered to trade or ally with the orcs and Bretons. [/quote] Indeed, the proud Triarius family isn't too happy about having to play apologetic for all Mede's massive blunders. Level of private slander of Mede: It's over nine thousaaaaaaaaaaaand! As a side note and something of a personal note, despite the imperials trying to lop off my head at the beginning of the game and all the other ridiculous blunders of history, I always side with the Imperial Legion and the Empire, and just hope whoever replaces Mede has enough brains to make it so we don't have to put up with more Elven supremacists or Nordic Racists in TES VI. The Empire was always more cosmopolitan than either of those and the Dark Elves (Did anyone else see the poetic justice in the racism against them? Despite that I still found it unacceptable...) I tried to side with the Stormcloaks once, but I found myself defecting to the Empire during the Jagged Crown. The Stormcloaks just felt massively racist, hypocritical etc. The minute I read the dossier on Ulfric I lost the small amounts of respect I had for him And the Aldmeri dominion? "HEIL ALTMER!!" Gods no. xD