Name: Ayanami Rei Age: 14 Gender: Female Occupation: Evangelion Pilot, Unit 00 Appearance: [url=]"..."[/url] Personality: Rei appears cool and aloof, spending much of her time reading books by herself. However, she is easily confused by emotions, including her own which she does not fully understand. She does not understand how to feel in many situations, and is disconnected socially from those around her, regardless of the situation. She does not speak often and she lacks much care about her own personal space or wellbeing. However, there is a conflict between self-preservation and a lack of value on her own existence, an endless source of confusion for her. She feels that her own existence has no value, and yet there is a faint desire for preservation of self. It is mostly ignored in spite of the endless confusion it causes within Rei. There are many odd occurrences that confuse Rei, including how she finds herself staring at some of her classmates unconsciously, with no grasp of why she is doing so. These feelings and events leave her questioning herself. However, this does not change that she is isolated and unapproachable to many. History: Rei is a mysterious, enigmatic girl with a connection to NERV, serving as the pilot for Evangelion Unit-00. There are some noticeable differences in her personality from canon Rei. There is a reason for this, but that's for much later.