Lee stood in the room a bit surprised that he wasn’t seen. Airport, No Rations, and now people are missing; no wonder people are a little on edge. Lee watched the deliveries being thrown around; shells and supplements…perfect supplies for a group of fighters. The though worried Lee as the only thing worse than infected, which charged, stalked, and threw crap, were men with guns, at least the infected were predictable. Lee decided to stay hidden as long as possible, if he was spotted it was on them for not noticing him so he didn’t fear that scenario. Maybe if the others didn’t show he could go look for them, not that he wished something bad had happened, but it would be nice to get out and do something, maybe even crack a few skulls. “Stop with the violent thoughts” Lee told himself, he knew looking for a fight would get him killed. He watched the people, Terrence had handed deliveries to a woman with knives, and a woman with a pearl ring, he either hadn’t met any of them or he had and didn’t remember, he hoped he just hadn’t met them. Lee began wondering about the two missing men, he caught the names Goblin and Miguel, but didn’t recognize any of the names. Lee thought about it, who did he know? He drew a blank, even the guys he used to run with were not very memorable, or maybe he just can’t spend time knowing people that might die tomorrow.