[quote=UnseenShade] Still looking for more possible PCs? What role is needed? I tend to lean towards Leader and Defender, but I will play anything for the sake of trying something new. [/quote] If you want to do a leader and defender role, for 4e I recommend Battlemind, Runepiest, Artificer, Swordmage, Bard, Shaman, Warden, Warlord, Cleric, Fighter and Paladin. Out of all of those, in regards to a Defender/Leader, I'd say Warden, Warlord and Battlemind would work best for a diverse team comp since we have a Fighter (me) and an Ardent already. Other classes the party would benefit from are an Invoker, Barbarian, Ranger, Rogue, Wizard, Avenger, Cleric, Warlock and Monk.--this is a good note for anyone interested As for races, I'm open to any race so as long as I am asked about it before hand. Such as the case of the Revenant from earlier, and the Kalashtar. Since I'm using my own lore for this campaign, I need to be able to make sure I can fit the race in properly so you guys have the green lights for your races. The only races that I know would be an absolute issue to have as PCs are Warforged, Bladeling and Shardmind.