With a yawn, Annabel stretched as she got up. Another early morning. She got up earlier than most other breeders and went to bed after them too. There was almost nothing she loved more than going out with those birds. Annabel snuck a peek into the next bedroom. She always tried to include Elizabeth in everything so she could spend more time with her little sister. However the mischievous girl seemed more content to snooze away the morning. This didn't bother Annabel, she just wished Elizabeth showed more interest in the family business. What a cutie, all tucked away in her bed. With a grogy smile, she closed the door again. Annabel quickly made a small breakfast for herself. Elizabeth wouldn't be awake for a few more hours, her food would be cold by the time she woke up. Once she was done, it was time to get started on her chores. As always, the first thing she did was give her chocobo some gysahl greens followed by a light brushing. It was about time for the bugs to come back and they would become infested if Annabel didn't keep them clean. Before she cleaned out the stable, she let the birds outside to get some exercise. "Whew!" Annabel slumped down on a chair. The stable was nice and clean. It had only been a couple hours. Now she had the rest of the day to herself with another brushing later. Elizabeth would take care of the chicks. Her sister was always adamant about what the chicks needed. Annabel wasn't about to argue and the chicks were happy too. With her morning chores done, Annabel returned to the house to make her sister's breakfast. On the way back she heard some commotion by the front and saw Comet being overly friendly with someone again. "Agh, will that bird ever learn?" she asked herself with a smile. There were only a couple people aside from herself and Elizabeth that Comet actually liked. One was the mail collector and the other was the young man that worked at a nearby farm. Her childhood bestie, Red. He was the one that has named Comet and that was that. As she got closer, she could see it was the latter and smiled. Perhaps he would stay for breakfast this time? "Good morning!" Annabel called out to him, "Staying for breakfast?"