[center]Amazon Imperiia[/center] "Oh" said Ethyssa picking up on Mira's que and tongue rolling. "Well done Traxilus. We need more men like you," Ethyssa continued as she drew back and put some ground between herself and the men. Between Kraith's earlier comment, Traxilus and the guard, Richelieu and the Princess, as well as Mira, Ethyssa felt everyone was a few looks away from an orgy. Calling the Amazon's carnal was an understatement, but Ethyssa imagined the men of the group had no qualms with the culture. Then the Amazon princess joined their group and informed them of the Queen's predicament, and Ethyssa noted the princess' derogatory remark to Elyssa: feeble-blood. Ethyssa was uncertain if the insult was directed towards Elyssa for being a commoner or being a shaman, but Ethyssa assumed the later which made the comment somewhat humorous in her mind. A drink from the river separated the princess from the shamans. I could hand someone a goblet and make them an Amazon, Ethyssa thought to herself but dare not say in front of the Amazon's themselves. Hardly seems like a distinction worth holding over someones head. Ethyssa leaned her head to Traxilus and rubbed her cheekbone with a hand as she contemplated, "Should the Queen come with us? We don't know what we're walking in to, and if the queen comes with us into the jungle she's going to be that much further from the ship," and by extension that much further from the teleportation circle home. "Besides," Ethyssa continued in a hush, but returned to a normal tone as she went on, "Wouldn't it look curious to your mother for the people here on grounds for negotiations to suddenly leave?" The Princess nods. "Yes, she should. It would be best to keep her away from the demon who looks like my mother... And assuming Richelieu can pull off a simple message... We'll have an... Excuse..." She says as she licks her lips at whatever thoughts went through her mind in that moment. Both Mira and Elyssa shuddered at the thought in unison. Both for entirely different reasons. Traxilus began to blush as more amd more people seemed to pick up on the cue of them having left the tent. "Yes, yes we're all very funny. Now last I checked we had business to attend to." With that said the Princess approached, her gait completely shifted from before, it was almost like seeing an entirely different woman. As she spoke he found that even her tone of voice had changed, gone was the smooth as velvet speech to something altogether more civil amd ordered. He stood somewhat puzzled as to which was the act and which was her true self. Appearing as two different people no doubt helped draw suspicion away from her in some cases, but it was troubling to think that perhaps they were being led on. He pushed the thought from his mind in favor of focusing on what the Princess was saying. A Queen 's soul? Seemed plausible. While how neatly it seemed to serve the Princess' purposes didn't escape Traxilus, if she was telling the truth then it wouldn't surprise Traxilus to find mischief afoot where Florence was present. If any signs pointed to wrong doing on the Imperium's side he would be sure to blame Florence and rip his tongue out through the man's ass in retaliation for putting this alliance in jeopardy. Ethyssa spoke again raising concern for their Queen, Traxilus nodded seeing her reason, but knowing in his gut that it simply wasn't the case for Alex. "If half of what I've heard is true, our Queen would lead the charge herself regardless of the danger. We won't let her lead, but we won't be able to stop her from coming. Best accept it." He ended with a shrug of acceptance at their situation concerning the Queen. "Besides, if we pull Garren, that's your oaf by the way your highness, and The Count along with us the Queen is better protected with all of us." He turned again to face the princess, a stern look on his face trying to pick up on anything the woman would surrender. His hand resting on his belt he chewed the bottom of his lip, a nervous habit he'd deceloped "No what I'm more interested in is why we should trust you. There are rumors being formed on both sides of the mill your highness, frankly I don't trust you further than I think Kraith here could throw you." He was mildly aware of how rudely he was speaking to someone of highborn status, and while he did notice the loyalty that some Amazonians (including his previous partner) had for her, he doubted any kind of scene would erupt over that here. Instead he kept his stare fixed on the noble to see how she reacted.