While making progress down the main hall of the HQ, following the racket she'd heard earlier, Naomi's footsteps suddenly came to a halt when said racket suddenly ceased. She'd been standing only a few feet away from the elevator before its doors opened to reveal a group of worn costumed teens. The nineteen year-old rolled her eyes and scoffed in disappointment. Just as expected, she was late to the party. By the looks of things, the group had gone through a rather intense training session,... one that didn't go all too well for them. [i]"So, this is the team eh?"[/i] the nineteen year-old thought to herself. With a slight turn of her head, she'd look over to the also present Dinah, or Black Canary as most called her. "Well, [i]this[/i] is certainly a charming bunch, Auntie Dinah," she'd say with a smirk, a sarcastic undertone accompanying her words. Canary would return the smirk with a small chuckle. "Give it some time, Naomi. I'm sure you'll all be getting along just fine." Canary would then go on to introduce her recruit. "Everyone, this is Naomi Wright, codename Bast, originally mentored by Selina Kyle, whom you all may know as Catwoman. She's one of the newer additions to your team, along with Fenrir here." Dinah placed a firm pat on the werewolf's shoulder. Naomi quirked a brow at the hulking half-beast. Dinah hadn't bothered once to mention him. It would have certainly been nice considering... The teen felt a considerable increase in weight on her right side. Luna, now awake from her catnap, had apparently crept up behind Naomi and perched herself atop her owner's shoulder. Immediately, the feline directed its attention toward Fenrir, hissing as the hairs on her back stood straight up. Naomi was almost driven to let out a curse word, but instead kept it to herself. She tried to caress the top of the Luna's head in an attempt to soothe the distressed ball of fur's nerves. It was of no use. Luna was obviously on the defensive. Naomi would take a few steps back, directing her attention towards Fenrir as well, waiting to see how he'd react. The teen was without proper battle attire, but, if the massive canine came lunging at her pet, she'd have to defend herself the very best way she could.