[i]Dearest Reader, I am the new Dark Lord over all of this fair realm. I will soon be the ultimate ruler of this whole entire world. But I'm in need of some assistance. You can call me Steve, well Dark Lord Steve. I've recently taken up residence in the middle of the Twilight Forest in what will soon be my "Tower of Evil". It's really hard to miss, a large black spire rising dramatically out of the forest. It just screams nefarious. So why, Dark Lord Steve, are you sending out this flier? That's a good question. I've found myself in need of assistance. I need good little henchmen and allies to form an unstoppable league of evil. Good henchman are really hard to come by nowadays it seems. If you're reading this flier and are in need of work I implore you to come find me. As stated earlier, really tall tower middle of the Twilight Forest. Hard to miss. We'll talk over contracts and the like and get you some good work. I don't take questions, so I hope you go getters can figure it out yourself. Cheers, Dark Lord Steve[/i] Our RP will follow our small group of adventurers as they respond to this flier. They are all, for their own reasons, answering to work for Dark Lord Steve. Except none of them are really that great at their jobs. A senile old witch, a arthritic not so evil Knight, and even a blind swordsman are some of those that answered the call. And their misadventures will be our fun to write. A quick Character Skeleton to help you make your characters: Name: Age: Description: History: Alignment: Anything you would like to add: The point of this RP is to have fun and make some good jokes along the way. Not to be taken to entirely seriously. Any questions?