[b]Human:[/b] Name: “Kaori” Age: 13 Appearance: [url=http://whitepulse43.deviantart.com/art/Kaori-360211203]Boom.[/url] Personality: Kaori can best be described as relentlessly cheerful and slightly hyperactive. Of course, at the same time she's something of a space case, barely being able to concentrate on anything for very long. Digivice: Think a D-Arc minus the card slot coloured in White with Bronze and Red accents. Background: Kaori doesn’t actually remember anything about her past. Only that she woke up one day in the Digital World with a Digivice in her pocket and Patamon by her side. [hider=SPOILERS]The truth is a bit darker than that. She was once a part of the game world; in fact she’s a product of the same glitches in the system that created the problems the cast will face. And who knows how she’ll react to that little revelation?[/hider] [b]Digimon[/b] Species: Patamon Nickname: Patamon Evolutionary Stages: [url=http://dma.wtw-x.net/dexpoyo.shtml]Poyomon[/url] -> [url=http://dma.wtw-x.net/dextoko.shtml] Tokomon[/url] -> [url=http://dma.wtw-x.net/dexpata.shtml]Patamon[/url] -> [url=http://dma.wtw-x.net/dexgato.shtml] Gatomon[/url] -> [url=http://dma.wtw-x.net/dexangewo.shtml]Angewomon[/url] -> [url=http://dma.wtw-x.net/dexophani.shtml]Ophanimon[/url] Other Forms: Alternate Line: [url=http://dma.wtw-x.net/dexblackgato.shtml]BlackGatomon[/url] -> [url=http://dma.wtw-x.net/dexladydevi.shtml]LadyDevimon[/url] -> [url=http://dma.wtw-x.net/dexlilith.shtml]Lilithmon[/url]