Jack stood in front of the others, while also not trying to draw attention to himself while Allen was talking. He didn't want to risk the lives of the youngsters and also didn't want to get in the way of Allen, while he was speaking with the man with the black suit. From their short conversation, he figured that they would not be hostile enough to shoot them down and that relaxed him a bit. He also considered that him being there would also ease them, considering his status. "Well, I am not a respected scientist, but being a billionaire gambler-celebrity will give us some more air to breathe, I assume..." he thought. Then it occured to him. He was a billionaire. Allen was a scientist. A crazy idea crossed his mind, but he would have to tell Allen and the others later, away from people. He changed his thought pattern when he turned to check the others and finally noticing some kind of beast on the boat. With the lack of knowledge on what happened during he was out, Jack thought that it was another human with some kind of transformation powers, so he didn't panic. He decided to just turn to the people before him and wait for Allen to finish the introductory part of the conversation.