The big, big meanie had clearly located her after her attack, bringing back his massive arm to presumably make a swipe at her, or at least her general location and would surely make contact either way. Dodging was impossible in this sort of time, but perhaps a counterattack was in order. Rather then keep attacking his lower leg she yanked the fire spear out and raised it in the direction of his arm that was now swinging at her. For his swipe to reach her then it would have to be embedded all the way through spear; either that or her fire would break apart from the force of the impact, but more then likely not before it had a chance to do some serious piercing damage, using his own momentum to drive the flaming tip through. His arm smashed into her before she could properly see what had happened, instantly knocking her out and flinging her into the other wall of the alleyway along with the rest of the debris. She crashed limply to the ground, her fire lance now extinguished without her control over it. Her right arm was broken at the elbow and that entire side bruised, and a small puddle of blood pooled underneath her head. The damage wasn't fatal to her, but it certainly took her out of the fight for the time being.