As Jake was packing up his things he heard a man yell through the camp. He shot a glance towards the sound and saw a man jogging towards them. Jake recognized him as he got closer, Jonathan, he was the one who was in charge around here. As the man got within earshot he started speaking with a thick scandinavian accent. [i]“You there, you two! I need your help. I would ask if you’re up for it but you haven’t really pulled your weight yet since you arrived, so I’m just gonna put this task right on you.”[/i] The man looked like he could use a bath. [i]We all could.[/i] Jake thought as the man continued. [i]“We are in dire need of supplies. Medical supplies and tools, or parts, anything. I need you to follow the track south toward Hoxton stop, there’s a wrecked train cart there. If we’re lucky, it has the...”[/i] The sound of the man speaking seemed to fade out as Jake noticed a short woman walking towards them. Her face was covered by a scarf but you could still see her eyes and make out most of her features. But that was not what had caught his attention; her hair was short it just about reached her cheek and was a bright white, almost glowing, as if it in itself radiated of light. The girl was younger than Jake but not by much, how come he’d never seen her around the camp before? He would have remembered if he’d seen that hair before. [i]“[…] as part of the community and share our supplies with you. If you’re staying, that is. Deal?”[/i] The girl with the white hair interrupts Jonathan with a stern look on her face. She’s short and the top of her head barely reaches the chin of the man. They both turned to leave and Jake stood stunned for a moment until his companion spoke up. [i]“Well Jake, looks like we got another reason to visit to Hoxton. I don’t know about you but I wouldn’t mind to play hero.”[/i] And another to stick around, the radiant white haired girl had sparked his interest. Was it a result of the radiation? [i]“ – Well? Are you tagging along?” Fuaad asked waiting for his response.[/i] Although he didn’t relish the thought of walking through the dark tunnels to Hoxton he didn’t want to just sit around either. With some luck he might even be able to acquire something to sleep on, maybe the train cart would have padded seats that he could scavenge. Jake swung his backpack over one shoulder and nodded as he gave Fuaad a thumbs-up.